
The Parochial Schools of St. Peter’s Church Joint School Art Exhibition 2024 “KEY OF LIFE”


3/07/2024 - 6/07/2024


10AM-6PM (3-5/7) ; 10AM-1PM (6/7)




Free of Charge

The exhibition showcases art creations from the Parochial Schools of St. Peter’s Church including St. Peter’s Secondary School, St. Peter’s Catholic Primary School, Aberdeen St. Peter’s Catholic Primary School, and St. Peter’s Catholic Kindergarten. The theme of the exhibition revolves around God’s creation, with seven different zones highlighting various aspects of divine creativity. This concept beautifully intertwines spirituality and art, presenting God’s grace through artistic forms.

Within this exhibition, you will discover a diverse array of artworks inspired by the theme of creation. Young artists from secondary school, primary schools, and kindergarten have put forth their unique creativity and talent in their pieces. This special collaborative exhibition brings together students, schools, and the community to appreciate the wonders of God’s creation and the beauty of art. It also serves as an opportunity for reflection on life and the abundant blessings we receive.

The students have infused their learning and inspiration into their creations, expressing their distinct interpretations of God’s creative work. Through their art, they showcase not only their talent but also their dedication and the positive learning environment fostered by Catholic schools.

This exhibition is more than just a celebration of artistic achievements; it’s a moving experience that reminds us of the beauty and marvels surrounding us every day. It encourages us to cherish life and recognize God’s blessings, spreading His message far and wide.
